Welcome to the website for the Cheshire and Mersey Critical Care and Major Trauma Specialised Service Clinical Networks.
Although two networks work collaboratively with a closely integrated core network team the site is subdivided to ensure that partners and stakeholders can readily access information pertaining to the clinical pathway and network required.
Any queries relating to content of the websites or suggestions for additional information that could be included please contact the network team wcft.cmodn@nhs.net
Specialised Services Clinical Networks (SSCNs) previously known as Operational Delivery Networks (ODNs), are a team of health care services and professionals nationally mandated and commissioned to improve outcomes through strong clinical relationships, co-ordinating patient pathways between providers across a healthcare system.
The Cheshire and Mersey Adult Critical Care and Major Trauma Networks, hosted by the Walton Centre NHS foundation Trust, form part of this network of networks, delivering a work programme determined by a national specification and in accordance with local, regional and national priorities.
Both networks operate in accordance with the following core principles and objectives:
- Through clinically lead collaboration, support the coordination of care pathways between regional providers to ensure consistent, equitable access to specialist resources and expertise within Adult Critical Care services and across the Major Trauma pathway.
- Provision of impartial clinical advice and expertise to NHS England and Integrated Care System partners, including providers, to develop equitable, high standard services for patients and improve access and care outcomes.
- Facilitate comparative benchmarking, evaluation, audit, and service review to highlight any areas of unwarranted variance in quality-of-service provision, promoting consistency and standardisation of clinical service provision and adoption of best practice across all providers.
- Engaging with all relevant stakeholders to optimise patient outcomes and family experience through the efficient and effective use of collective resources available across the commissioned pathway.
- Adult Critical Care Network
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- Major Trauma Network
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